
How to donate.

We provide our services 100% free of charge to both the people we’re searching for. Each of our members donates hundred of hours of their own time each year. We’re grateful to the employers of our members who allow them to take paid leave to respond to incidents during working hours.

Training and equipping our Members are our major expenses. We rely on donations, grants from charitable entities and fundraising to ensure our Members are properly equipped and don’t have to personally fund essential training costs.

  • If you’re a corporate looking for a worthy cause to sponsor, we’d love to hear from you.
  • If you want to make a donation, please go to our GiveaLittle page.

Your support and donations enable out groups to be equipped for the rugged environments and weather they face while searching or rescuing the lost, or missing, or injured.

Your donation makes a difference and helps to saves lives.

All donations are gratefully received through Give a Little.